Friday, January 10, 2014

4 things every Spiritual Person should know

4 Things Every Spiritual Person Should Know     

Spiritual teacher Eckhart Tolle says stress can be defined as wanting something to be the way it isn't. So how do you know when to accept a situation—and when to try to change it? Discover how to avoid becoming a victim in your own mind and how to break free from stress. Plus, Eckhart reveals his definition of God and explains what it means to have an aha! moment.

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He also talked about how to use the body as an anchor to the present moment - to get away from thinking. We were taught in Vipassana to first concentrate on our breath(Anapana) then to watch the sensations in our body and notice the way they pass by - all things are temporary - "this too shall pass."
He talked about the "Power of Life" which Oprah translated as "God", and Eckhart agreed with her.
He talked about accepting "What Is" is the start of changing without "trying"
Eckhart says coming back to present moment, knowing that "victimness" was another time and when your consciousness was different. Being aware of the moment, takes one out of victimness and out of stress.
An "aha!" moment is when one is fully in the "Power of Life" and recognizes it in each other. 
So glad to hear Eckhart without him railing against the ego - that is dualistic thinking which he appears to have gotten over, thanks Power of Life!

Posted: Fri 1/10/2014 2:39 PM
Eckart described a pain body exactly right! I know a few and it ain't pretty. These people wreak havoc. It's best not to respond to their abuse, but oh so hard. Thanks Eckart for your insight, you are amazing!

If you take the time to read Eckhart's books, especially "The New Earth", you will see he integrates Jesus, Buddha, great Jewish leaders and Mohammed's words into his work. That is what I love about him; he helps the reader to see that enlightenment is not only an option for the great thinkers but to all of be enlightened is to live release the ego's grasp and open to all of humanity...Christian, Jews, Muslim seek only words from those who "belong to a church" truly misses the point.

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