Thursday, December 12, 2013

We Are God's Image

Thought For the Week-We are God's image
What does it mean that we are God's image? It sounds like such a platitude sometimes, what with the way we affirm it so much in Unity.
Obviously God is not a man in the sky doling out punishments and rewards. God is not a woman as well, though sometimes we affirm both gender qualities as God is male, female and so much more. God is Spirit, as it says in the gospel.  God is the universal flow of love intelligence and wisdom. If we are God's image, we are an image of Spirit, universal love, intelligence and wisdom. We are human as well, affording us all the opportunities to be joyful, great, sad and mean, etc.!  Yet with the divine part of us, we can tap into that whenever we are challenged or hurting on the human level. How? Prayer and meditation.
As many of you know, I practice a Buddhist form of meditation called Vipassana. It has recently blessed me on very deep levels. Too personal to share, but powerful nonetheless. If you are interested in learning more about how to do Vipassana, please call me or go to
Rev. Ed Kosak, Charleston Unity 

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