Tuesday, December 17, 2013

"Struggle Forever" - Hardly, Within All of us is Perfection with Divine Superpowers

The inner struggle is extremely difficult for all of us, because we all have faults, severe ones, that we will struggle with forever.... It’s wise to accept that faults are inevitable. Factor that in and keep going.

Alice Walker(gratefulness.org)
Interview with Valerie Schloredt for Yes Magazine (10/2/2012)
I adore Alice Walker but she is wrong if she wrote(?) that!

Ra Divakar Thanks for clarifying Bro, indeed we have All we need Within!
I do NOT believe we will "struggle forever" either, in fact, I have moments of not struggling at all - perfect Peace!

Mary Rose Winkler Spectacular Ron, thank you
”Always remember it is the divine ONE standing in front of you, and treat everyONE as the most important ONE in universe. LOVE is, and you are it.”~Bent Kim Lundberg

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