Friday, December 6, 2013

Not by chance...Who is in control?

Ra: Change by choice...
Beata Maria: Yes, let's take as much control as we can. Ron Alexander: Hmm, I had a teacher answer an important question for me, and he told me that "if you think you are in control, you are confused." What say you Beata Maria?
Beata Maria Yes, let's take as much control AS WE CAN is my original comment. I have no need to defend my comment; I can say that the only time I felt 'confused' was during my younger years when I allowed others to control my life. I believe that the serenity Prayer contains much truth, as does the quotation above!
Pamela Pollard Arrington Absolute clarity, "if you think you are in control of this, you are confused". I needed these words yesterday WHen someone at work deleted a database I had feverishly been working on for two days. I was so angry. I had left notes, signs, red stickers covering things that shouldn't be touched and she went through all my roadblocks like a hot knife through butter. I read your post and it was like a smack in the back of my head. I laugh now (and cry at the same time). The sad thing is -I already knew this. Just had to read it in print. Thanks again Capt. Ron. You're a pretty smart guy yourself.
Beata Maria Yes, Ron, you also take control when needed. I remember your struggle over your dad's property & the fact that you 'let go' of it. Not sure if at the end you decided to take the road of 'least resistance' , but now you are happy you moved& are contented in your new home. I'm thinking of the lyrics of 'The Gambler' - ..' know when to hold her, know when to fold her...' do you know the song, Ron?

I think you'd be happy where-ever you'd find yourself, Ron.
  • Ron Alexander Aw, thanks Beata Maria, yes I have just returned from the House and found it so peaceful and full of clean light energy. I am so glad I let it go. The main fear I had was that the lawyer was going to sell it to pay himself and a defense lawyer. I picked up a few practical things I missed and on return here, I got a call that my nephew was moving in this evening. That was a joyous call, as that means it stays in the family, and I don't have to be responsible for its expensive upkeep anymore! God is Good!
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