Friday, December 13, 2013

My New Island Running Path

When I lived on the beach, I mostly ran (really walking and jogging) on the beach. Now I am in the middle of  James Island, I run amongst magnificent Beings (mostly large ancient Live Oaks) on a delightful coquina road nearby inexplicably called On the Hill Road. Coquina is mined near here on the coast - just ancient sea bottom consisting of sand and crushed shells - much softer than gravel and much cooler than asphalt. Here is a collage of my new running path:

    Mountain Dove Enjoy your magical weekend!
    Angie Pennington A sylvan delight, Ron
    Robyn Summers-Shelley a little peice of paradise.............
    Ra Divakar UP On the Hill Road
    Ra Divakar I think on the coast, anything higher than sea level is called a "hill" or a "bluff"!
  • Ron Alexander Thank you all - Valerie Stiehl, Mountain Dove, Angie Pennington (will look up "sylvan"), Robyn Summers-Shelley (how is the fabulous Land of Oz?), Ra Divakar - my fav. Bro - you are right Up on the Hill rd. and remember "Hill"side Dr. in N. Myrtle Beach. You all have a "magical weekend" (Mountain Dove).

  • Ron Alexander Sylvan or silvan refers to an association with the woodland. Specifically, that which inhabits the wood, is made of tree materials, or comprises the forest itself. The term can also refer to a person who resides in the woods or a spirit of the wood.[1] In mythology, the term also refers to deities or spirits of the woods.[2] Thanks so much Angie Pennington!

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