Sunday, December 22, 2013


Love the moment, and the energy of that moment will spread beyond all boundaries.
Corita Kent(
This is a good one for me, as I was driving back to my apt. with my juice ready for dinner, I was caught in a unusual horrific traffic jam. People were making a 2 lane turn from their way, blocking my turn from my way. After waiting about 4 different turn signals behind other cars, some of whom were timid about cutting in front of car making illegal turn, I just went for it and cut in front of first illegally turning car, but another one cut in from of me, and then another driver behind me came up center lane and ask to get in front of me, I said "I live right down the road and my dinner is waiting for me," so get behind me where you were. In a convertible, one of the passengers yelled out "is it always like this". I told her "never". After going 20 ft. in about 20 minutes, I got in center lane and drove around the traffic for about 100 yds. to entrance to nearby cinema. There I asked them when the Hobbit started, and found out it was about 90 minutes, so I told them I was going to keep my van parked there and walk the quarter of a mile to my place and get my dinner and then come back. All the employees said it was like this every Sunday night near Christmas for a nearby Christmas Light Show that they have to pay 15 dollars per car to get in. We all agreed that this show is a week long, and why wait and go at same  time as most people go - "many people are like sheep". Walking to my car, I walked past some of the same cars I turned with - I yelled "is it really worth it"???? HOW DO YOU LOVE THE MOMENT IN A STUPID TRAFFIC JAM?????
Meditate while you wait. (Ra Divikar) image
Sunday, Dec. 22

Love the moment, and the energy of that moment will spread beyond all boundaries.
Corita Kent.

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