Sunday, December 15, 2013

Ester Nicholson 'I Believe This Belongs To You'

The beautiful talented powerhouse Ester Nicholson (singer with Bette Midler, Rod Stewart, and Agape (Michael Bernard Beckwith) Licensed Therapist taught me something new about gratitude today at Unity. She told us not to Thank "God" as that implies God is outside ourselves. She recommended to practice gratitude as Jesus did: "In all things, I give thanks." Her book is SOUL RECOVERY and I was so impressed with her teaching that I purchased it and her CD. Then I went to afternoon workshop with her. Now I am in a 40 day program called Keys to Abundant Living. "There is absolutely nothing in the Universe that is against you, for we are told that 'it is the Father's great pleasure to give you the kingdom.' There is nothing that you cannot be, cannot do, and cannot have. Your heart's desire awaits your acceptance and allowance.
Let us now use the keys to the kingdom that is already at hand to line-up with that which is already given. "And behold, as all things are made new in your life."

 "You are here today because the divine impulse within you has brought you here. This is your time to claim the kingdom of heaven within you and to claim your divine inheritance as a being of GOD."
 "This workshop is about experiencing true prosperity--not just money, a single aspect of prosperity--but all aspects of prosperity. I refer to this all-encompassing prosperity as wholeness. It's having a sense of well-being and richness in every area of your life. This is the nature of GOD and this is your true nature."

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