Saturday, December 21, 2013

Don't let anyone disturb you

This is a hard one for me, as I sail with some veterans, who have extreme views (not all of them), but some definitely have some mean-spirited political views.
If anyone speaks ill of you,
Praise them always.
If anyone injures you,
Serve them nicely,
If anyone persecutes yyou,
Help them in all possible ways.
You will attain
immense strength.
You will control
anger and pride.
You will enjoy
peace, poise and serenity.
You will become divine.
                      Swami Sivananda
 Don't let anyone disturb you
This is a hard one for me, as I sail with some veterans, who have extreme views (not all of them), but some definitely have some mean-spirited political views.

 If anyone speaks ill of you,

Praise them always. 

If anyone injures you, 

Serve them nicely,

If anyone persecutes you, 

Help them in all possible ways. 

You will attain 

immense strength. 

You will control

anger and pride. 

You will enjoy

peace, poise and serenity. 

You will become divine.

                      Swami Sivananda


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