Monday, December 23, 2013

Don't allow other's opinions to affect your self-worth

Going through some old papers today, I found a card from my deceased brother to his son, my nephew. He was saying some very hateful things about me. No wonder, the nephew hated me so much. Anyway, I have been dealing with some grief over this, so nice to read inspirational messages below from Brian and Dean!
Susan Boles Ah, Ron, you are indeed loved by the best friend ever, the Divine! Perhaps some signed up for a life when they lived the misery of not liking many people, but it was only because they couldn't learn to love the ONE. they are more to be pitied than censored . (Title of an old country song!) Merry Christmas!
    KimMarie Patey Sad that people poison the mind of others.
    Ron Alexander Hi Susan Boles and KimMarie Patey Yes, the best I can do is bless their hearts and "I am sorry, please forgive me. Thank you, I love you," Since we are all one in Essence! Happy Holy Days!
  • You can only find happiness from within. It is not dependent on external things or on other people. You become vulnerable and can be easily hurt when your feelings of security and happiness depend on the behavior and actions of other people. Never give your power to anyone else. ― Brian L. Weiss

    You are loved. The only reasons you don’t feel you are is that you believe you aren’t worthy, you are being slighted (not being treated fairly) or that you are not being accepted for whom and what you perceive you are.

    Stop believing ANYTH
    ING that denies the FACT that you are a child of the Most High and are created by Divine love, living in Divine love and are being fulfilled from Divine love.

    Embrace your inner well-being, reject that which denies it and feel Divine love within! Be ye therefore perfect!
    ~Dean A. Banks, D.D.
    Well, two messages saying virtually the same thing, however to me repetition is a key to learning! And hearing it in different ways by different people - don't let anyone take your joy away! Thanks Will Melies
    When we express our viewpoints from our different perspectives we can see the whole picture. We are in this soup together. Some are carrots, some are rice and some are tomatoes. Together we create a flavor of life that tastes great! ~ Dean A. Banks, D.D.


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