Saturday, December 28, 2013

Are You Really Happy?

  1. Thanks Wayne Waller and the tough truth from Nisargadatta
  2. "I have no personal problems.
    But the world is full of living beings whose lives are squeezed between fear and craving.

    They are like cattle driven to the slaughter house, jumping and frisking, carefree and happy, yet dead and skinned within an hour.
    You say you are happy.
    Are you really happy, or are you merely trying to convince yourself. Look at yourself fearlessly and you will at once realise that your happiness depends on conditions and circumstances, hence it is momentary, not real. "

  3. Photo: "I have no personal problems. 
But the world is full of living beings whose lives are squeezed between fear and craving. 

They are like cattle driven to the slaughter house, jumping and frisking, carefree and happy, yet dead and skinned within an hour.
You say you are happy. 
Are you really happy, or are you merely trying to convince yourself. Look at yourself fearlessly and you will at once realise that your happiness depends on conditions and circumstances, hence it is momentary, not real. "

Here is even some tougher words: Are we insane?
Joel Goldsmith, founder of the Infinite Way, tells us that we have been hypnotized by our cultural history into believing that we are less than the experience of God. He suggests that this false belief causes us to lose perception of reality and therefore experience insanity. (see one below on the twelve steps for more info)

Ra Divakar ACIM states also that we are "Insane" though I Like Jimmy Buffets' "Still crazy after all these years at least I am not insane."


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