Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Agape Prayer Treatment Steps as Taught me by Ester Nicholson

1. Recognition - The reality and nature of God: Universal Presence, Infinite, Unlimited, All Good, All Power, Peace, Joy, Harmony, Light, Perfection, Love and wholeness.
My favorite now is "Omni LOVELIGHT". Omniscient (All Knowing), Omnipresent (Everywhere), Omnipotent (All Powerful).

2. Unification - Oneness with God: "Be as one, as my Father and I are one; nearer than my hands and feet, closer than my breathing." God is the Reality of my being; It is my true identity:  It is right where I am, As I am.

3. Realization - declare/affirm/claim your desire as ALREADY DONE - The fullness of God is now declaring into divine expression through me as (Whatever it is you're claiming) SHINING LOVELIGHT!

4. Thanksgiving (when you receive a gift and you know it is in the mail, it just hasn't shown up yet, but you KNOW that it is on the way, you are already grateful before you can actually see it- the same applies here. Even though you may not see the truth of this word manifesting in this instant, you KNOW that it is done. Give thanks in gratitude, confidence and joyous expectancy. "I give thanks for my freedom, joy and confidence, health and well-being. I am so grateful that prosperity is even now expressing in my life!"

5. Release and let go -

Will write more about these - gotta go to boat -
Flying Free
5. Release - You've recognized the nature of God; you've unified with it as the TRUTH of who you are; from this place of Oneness, you've spoken your word and declared your WHOLENESS, PROSPERITY AND COMPLETENESS; you've given thanks for it, NOW IT'S TIME TO RELEASE AND LET GO.
"I release this word into the perfect law knowing that it returns to me fulfilled. It is done. And so it is. AMEN 

Ester Nicholson
Soul Recovery - Ester Nicholson; Ester Nicholson; Paperback

Soul Recovery - Ester Nicholson; Ester Nicholson; eBooks

about the author(HayHouse Publishing)
Ester Nicholson, a celebrated vocalist who has worked with Bette Midler and Rod Stewart, is a gifted speaker, teacher, spiritual therapist, and facilitator who has advanced the 12 steps of Alcoholics Anonymous into operative principles and practices that guide people to their inherent fullness of power and wholeness. As a recovered cocaine addict with more than 25 years of sobriety, she now resides in Nashville, Tennessee, living her vision of serving others on their journey from crisis and challenge to the promise of a new life.

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