Saturday, November 16, 2013

Truly Beyond Effort

When you are truly still beyond effort, life will come and kiss you. She will reveal pearls of wisdom that cannot be found in any book. A flower will open inside your heart that cannot be found anywhere on this planet. A joy will arise that cannot fade. In this unfading peace an intuitive knowing shines: I am the timeless one.
Ron Alexander " She will reveal pearls of wisdom that cannot be found in any book."
Ron Alexander "A flower will open inside your heart that cannot be found anywhere on this planet."

  • Ron Alexander "A joy will arise that cannot fade."
    Ron Alexander " In this unfading peace an intuitive knowing shines: I am the timeless one.'
  • In this time of great transition, meditation is very important to me! My first night of being away from the house, has brought in tremendous waves of sadness, yet endless, timeless waves of possibilities!
  • And Metta Prayer is always part of Vipassana meditation: MAY ALL BEING BE HAPPY!



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