Friday, November 22, 2013

"Life is like the wind," he said.

The young man waited once more. "What is guiding that hawk?" the old man asked. "Is he riding the wind where it takes him? Or is he following his own will?" "Perhaps the wind is blowing in the direction the hawk wants to go, "suggested Jeremy. Old Hawk smiled. "Life is like the wind," he said.
Old Hawk lapsed into another period of silence,
but a longer silence than before. Jeremy, however,
was familiar with this habit. All elders had a way of
using silence to speak for them. And the young man...
did what was expected of him: He waited.

The leaves continued to rustle and the breeze also
stirred the tall grasses nearby. By and by the old man
noticed a hawk circling high above the cottonwood tree,
and pointed at it. They watched together until it glided
toward the west and became a small speck over the horizon.

Jeremy sighed. "It must be good to know where you are going,"
he observed. "At least most of the time."

"Well," said the old man, "you and that hawk have much in

The young man waited once more.

"What is guiding that hawk?" the old man asked. "Is he
riding the wind where it takes him? Or is he following
his own will?"

"Perhaps the wind is blowing in the direction the hawk
wants to go, "suggested Jeremy.

Old Hawk smiled.

"Life is like the wind," he said.

- Joseph M Marshall III

Yep, thanks Charlie and Ra: Life is like the wind...its a wind of change and the challenge is to know how to adjust your sails in order to reach your destination!

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