Sunday, November 3, 2013

Powerful Sunrise Solar Eclipse (Change in my relationship to money?)

Ron Alexander Will definitely be meditating at 7:49 sunrise - I am usually anyway, however this is ''peak'' time so can be particularly powerful! I got out there at 6:49 with time change and meditated and remained in the sun until after 8AM to make sure! Gratefully, I had an epiphany - being at peace is being simply humble and free of negativity!
November horoscope for Libra (Sept. 23 – Oct. 22)
For Libra, the life-altering Solar Eclipse on the 3rd takes place in your House of Resources. It ushers in a change in your relationship with money – how you make it and how you spend it.

    "- epiphany - being at peace is being simply humble and free of negativity!" As I walked, and used mantra "gratefully I walk in peace and love' or "gratefully I breathe in peace and love." I was thinking that the purpose of Vipassana meditation is to purify the mind. Then I thought that I now have a camper, I could go around to different Vipassana Ashrams, volunteer and meditate a lot and live very simply and very economically.
Photo: Energy Update: Hi my friend, so in just a few hours we will be moving through a rare & powerful 'Hybrid' Solar Eclipse. A Hybrid means it will be both total and annular

For most North American observers, the partial eclipse will begin just after 5:00 AM Eastern / 10:00 AM Universal Time/GMT so those on the East Coast will definitely get to see it when it peaks around 7:49 AM. 

So what will this all mean for us energetically? 

A Solar Eclipse creates the perfect climate for big personal and planetary transformations to occur. So combine this eclipse with the recent strong solar activity we've been experiencing get ready for more transformative moments and action.

This specific Eclipse is supporting us in anchoring more balance in the relationships we have with ourselves, others, our finances and the world around us. 

If we are still struggling in any of these areas of our lives, this is the time to take a closer look at all the opportunities the Universe is presenting us with to finally transcend the limitations we’ve created that have kept us within energies of struggle.

I will have a more detailed report for you in the November Energy Forecast that will be posted this Tuesday, November 5th at 

Enjoy the powerful energies coming in right now that are shifting us into higher states of consciousness!

Feel free to share this post with those who live in locations that  have the opportunity to see the Eclipse.

We are ALL in this together! 

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