Friday, November 1, 2013

I take out the positive and leave the negative behind in horoscopes

November horoscope for Libra (Sept. 23 – Oct. 22)
For Libra, the life-altering Solar Eclipse on the 3rd takes place in your House of Resources. It ushers in a change in your relationship with money – how you make it and how you spend it. Your planetary guide, gracious Venus, shifts into your House of Family on the 5th, making it a great day to get together with relatives.

Don’t overestimate what you can accomplish at work on the 6th. Expansive Jupiter goes retrograde, and you have a tendency to set ideals that are more optimistic than realistic. On the 7th and 8th, you’re moved and inspired by other people’s stories.

After Mercury ends its retrograde cycle on the 10th, you can refine your strategies for making more money. Then as Neptune turns direct on the 13th, you’re feeling especially sentimental about a co-worker. Focus on finding out the truth on the 15th, when Venus unites with probing Pluto.
Let someone lend a helping hand during the Full Moon on the 17th – you don’t have to do it all on your own. The Sun enters Sagittarius on the 21st, and the next month is a great time for taking a class or reading a new book on a subject that interests you. Hard work pays off on the 23rd.

You may have a tendency toward overindulgence on the 28th, when your planetary guide opposes Jupiter. But while everything may look delicious now, enjoyment could later turn to regret.
                                                               Kelli Fox, The Astrologer

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