Friday, November 1, 2013

Grateful for leaving the Desperado Life (now on a clear path to freedom)

"The rush and pressure of modern life are a form, perhaps the most common form, of its innate violence. To allow oneself to be carried away by a multitude of conflicting concerns, to surrender to too many demands, to commit oneself to too many projects, to want to help everyone in everything is to succumb to violence. More than that, it is cooperation in violence. The frenzy of the activist...destroys his own inner capacity for peace. It destroys the fruitfulness of his own work, because it kills the root of inner wisdom which makes work fruitful."--Thomas Merton, Trappist monk
Ron Alexander: Wow, do I need to heed this Merton writing - yes! Desperado! "Most people lead lives of quiet desperation." Thoreau Thanks Spirituality & Health Magazine!

Ron Alexander My dear Father was a workalcoholic, and I must have inherited that from him, bless his Soul!

For everything you have missed, you have gained something else; And for everything you have gain; You lose something else. It is about your outlook towards life. You either regret or rejoice.
   Yes, I choose to rejoice Ra, and I am very happy to be letting go of things. The best things in life are not things. Yeah, I feel lighter already. On the 15th when I leave this house, I am going to be free by land, air or sea! Ron
    James Buik And so it has come to pass in a more extreme form! Simplify...simplify...simplify!
  • Ron Alexander Yep, James Buik, I am in the process of doing that right now. I had an auctioneer come over today, and he helped me pick out items that would sell well in his well-known auction. So instead of doing a lot of heavy lifting, he is sending over his men to move the stuff to his auction site. So instead of moving, I am selling, recycling, giving away and trashing a lot of things. I am on a clear road to freedom! Thank Goodness!

    Efrosini Alexopoulos Peace to you brother
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    Maureen O'Hanlon Good for you, Ron!
  • Eric Gibson Well spoken brother

  •  Alexander Thanks Eric Gibson, leaving this old family beach house feels like being forced out of the ''privileged'' life. However, being materially privileged is not the answer to a satisfied Soulful Life. Letting go of these ''precious'' generations of family antiques is like taking off chains that have kept me bound to toxic relationships and geography!

    Evelyn Leonard Wright Blessings, Ron--attachment to stuff--sometimes is one of our most difficult challenges--I know it has been for me...but what I learned about "stuff" and "possessions" is that if we have them once or twice in our lives and they go away, we can acquire them again--if we want to...sometimes it's just fun to have toys, let them go away--and then manifest them back in our lives. I know I did that with sailing...took a couple of decades to manifest, but the true desires of our hearts are always given to us!
    Ron Alexander I am sadly writing about more than "things" dear, I am talking about relations with toxic people who happen to be related or professionals who deal with the family - particularly a lawyer(a childhood friend) and his relatives who have done everything possible to force me to leave, and then they thought they could claim the antiques which mostly came from my grandparents. My lawyer sharply found fine print in trust that the "furnishings" do not go with the inheritance. So I get to deal with these old "things" and I am thankful that the auctioneer can pick them up and sell them at their site. A few of the most cherished items go to my Aunt and Nephew. They let me know what they wanted, and I am leaving them here for them. They live about 6 hours away, and I hope that "trust" lawyer will get them to them. Bless Our Hearts!

    Ra Divakar I know what mixed feelings and thoughts you have with family "trust" lawyer and his family trying to claim the house and its antiques, and I know you are doing the right thing by getting your share sold and leaving. I know that you can be in Charleston where you are celebrated as an adventurer, a writer, a captain, an artist and a doer of good works! Or that you will be free to travel where you want! Bon Chance, my Brother and Friend!
    Ron Alexander Thanks Brother Ra for helping clarify what is going on with me.
    Thanks for the experiences LIFE! Spirituality & Health Magazine and Eckhart of course!
    “Life will give you whatever experience is most helpful for the evolution of your consciousness. How do you know this is the experience you need? Because this is the experience you are having at this moment.” — Eckhart Tolle, A New Earth
    Ron Alexander Will definitely be meditating at 7:49 sunrise - I am usually anyway, however this is ''peak'' time so can be particularly powerful! I got out there at 6:49 with time change and meditated and remained in the sun until after 8AM to make sure! Gratefully, I had an epiphany - being at peace is being simply humble and free of negativity!
    November horoscope for Libra (Sept. 23 – Oct. 22)
    For Libra, the life-altering Solar Eclipse on the 3rd takes place in your House of Resources. It ushers in a change in your relationship with money – how you make it and how you spend it.
        "- epiphany - being at peace is being simply humble and free of negativity!" As I walked, and used mantra "gratefully I walk in peace and love' or "gratefully I breathe in peace and love." I was thinking that the purpose of Vipassana meditation is to purify the mind. Then I thought that I now have a camper, I could go around to different Vipassana Ashrams, volunteer and meditate a lot and live very simply and very economically.




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