Monday, October 21, 2013

There Is No LImit to the Love

There is no limit to the love that surrounds us when we are anchored in the truth of our essential nature. This love is unconditional, uncontainable and radical; it cuts through to the core of reality.
Photo: There is no limit to the love that surrounds us when we are anchored in the truth of our essential nature. This love is unconditional, uncontainable and radical; it cuts through to the core of reality.

 It is both the ocean and the waves, 
 both the peace and the turmoil, 
 both the stillness and the movement, 
 both the formless and the form. 

 Everything that exists is held in this love in 
 open and eternal embrace.

 ~ Amoda Maa Jeevan~

Today make sure that you anchor in the truth. May you want to speak the truth to yourself and others. May you live a beautiful life. May you feel the love surround you at every moment. Be love.

  It is both the ocean and the waves, ...
both the peace and the turmoil,
both the stillness and the movement,
both the formless and the form.

Everything that exists is held in this love in
open and eternal embrace.

~ Amoda Maa Jeevan~

Today make sure that you anchor in the truth. May you want to speak the truth to yourself and others. May you live a beautiful life. May you feel the love surround you at every moment. Be love.


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