Sunday, October 20, 2013

The Power of Words, Thoughts, Images and a sense of Wonder

Have been sharing powerful images - same can be said of words:
there are moments 
in time 
when weakend 
from the fight 
you find it hard
 to continue on  
if you will yourself  
to get to that next second 
then you can 
make it anywhere 

please feel free to share and tag .. more to be found at @[212484065491821:274:A.R.C. creations]

Always time time to stop, look and listen. <3

These synchronistic meetings happened several times to me this weekend at Wooden Boat Show - surprise meeting with people who can help me with some moving problems and possible new living situations - helps me realize leaving the beach hous...e, sad, yet the right thing to do...for example was seeing guy getting on boat, and I went to him to see if I could leave my boat there, it turned out he was just getting water, and did not know the owner of the boat yard. I found out he the name of his business is in the back of my engine manual, but telephone there did not work. He gave me new number and he remembered working on my diesel years ago, and would work on it again. That is great since it is an unusual brand, that not many know about...And I had been looking for a mechanic for months - yea!
Always time time to stop, look and listen.  

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