Tuesday, October 15, 2013

The Bear is one of my Totems

~I am bear and I wish to say, "We are all related; the humans, the earth, the animals, the rocks and minerals, the elements, the trees and plants...it is time for all of us to come together and communicate in order to be good guardians of the earth."..~♥
~Animal Totem Guides, The Messengers~
*Artist: Carl Brenders*
Ron Alexander I used to hike and climb mountain in Alaska without a weapon and there were Grizzlies all round including magnificent Mamma Bears with her Cubs!
Photo: ~I am bear and I wish to say, "We are all related; the humans, the earth, the animals, the rocks and minerals, the elements, the trees and plants...it is time for all of us to come together and communicate in order to be good guardians of the earth."..~<3
~Animal Totem Guides, The Messengers~
*Artist: Carl Brenders*

*Please "like the post on our page" Shadow of the Wolf & Native Wisdom & Poems of the Heart~Thank you~Melody~<3

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