Wednesday, October 9, 2013

So many beautiful reasons to be happy

Thought For the Week By Rev. Ed Kosak, Unity of Charleston
A friend and I were talking the other day about happiness, more specifically unhappiness. One of the first insights I ever gleaned in Unity was from Rev. Mike Matoin, my first Unity minister. He was a comedian, one of "83 unrelated jobs" that he held in his life! But what he said one Sunday was not so much comedic as it was poignant: "90% of the reason people leave jobs is because of their own unhappiness." His statement was a cosmic two by four to my consciousness that I needed to hear. Where he got 90% from I don't know, but what is sometimes true is that we project much of our own unhappiness on significant others, job, etc. So we leave and go from job to job..Or lover to lover...thinking they are the cause of our unhappiness. I believe it was President Clinton who once said: "Most people who are unhappy with their government are really unhappy with themselves in some way." (paraphrased) No matter you're political stripe, truth is truth.
While taking responsibility for and working through our own unhappiness is not a sugary Unity principle, it is a necessary one if we truly want to be liberated from pain, and be happy.
Here's to your happiness and liberation and enlightenment!
Thought For the Week By Rev. Ed Kosak, Unity of Charleston
A friend and I were talking the other day about happiness, more specifically unhappiness. One of the first insights I ever gleaned in Unity was from Rev. Mike Matoin, my first Unity minister. He was a comedian, one of "83 unrelated jobs" that he held in his life! But what he said one Sunday was not so much comedic as it was poignant: "90% of the reason people leave jobs is because of their own unhappiness." His statement was a cosmic two by four to my consciousness that I needed to hear. Where he got 90% from I don't know, but what is sometimes true is that we project much of our own unhappiness on significant others, job, etc. So we leave and go from job to job..Or lover to lover...thinking they are the cause of our unhappiness. I believe it was President Clinton who once said: "Most people who are unhappy with their government are really unhappy with themselves in some way." (paraphrased) No matter you're political stripe, truth is truth.
While taking responsibility for and working through our own unhappiness is not a sugary Unity principle, it is a necessary one if we truly want to be liberated from pain, and be happy.
Here's to your happiness and liberation and enlightenment!

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