Sunday, October 20, 2013

Selfless (?) Service

Sitting on top of mountain is not service, I don't think, unless I guess, the sitter is sending out good vibes to the whole world like the Metta Prayer - "May all beings be happy."

Richard Kent Matthews Tell that to the present day Christian. He/she needs to hear it.
Linda Raenelle Mahoney Everyone, not just Christians need to hear it..
Ron Alexander Richard Kent Matthews, I learned that from you - service - "just do it"!

Richard Kent Matthews None of the service I do is selfless. That is a misnomer, to be sure. I am aware, and feel good about, everything I do to be of service in the world. Selfless? Hardly. I'm the biggest winner!! Thanks, RA.

Ron Alexander Thanks for your honesty, humble no, but refreshing honest yes! Giving is receiving and receiving is giving! ron

  • Richard Kent Matthews Hey, I'm humble....and proud of it!!

  • Ron Alexander HA RA that's funny!

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