Sunday, October 13, 2013

Sailing into the Sea of deep Serenity

"Now’s the time to get on up out of that sea of ‘Woe is me,’ and sail confidently through the even tide and welcoming whirlpools into the deep serenity of the Ocean of Devotion, the Sea of Divinity. 
Ron Alexander's photo.

 If and when negative beliefs or mindles

s self-talk keep you gasping for air and struggling to stay afloat in an undertow of overwhelm, your spiritual practice will throw out the Life Line just in time. Time to stop drowning in your own tears. Let the Presence float your boat.

Trust in the law of buoyancy.

We’re talking Divine Seamanship here! Anchor yourself in the Intelligence, Wisdom and Guidance always available to help you navigate rough waterways. Head for the Upper Room of the Lighthouse straight ahead, chock-full of many mansions. Use the cesspool sea of mental garbage as fertilizer for the seeds of New Life you will plant on higher fertile ground. Yes. You do get to choose this day which sea you will swim in."
~ By the Divine Rev. Greta Sesheta


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