Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Unity Edmail: Nothing Can Separate Us

Thought For the Week
There is nothing we can do or have ever done that can get us in trouble with God, as we each understand God to be. This is backed up by a statement in scriptures: "neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God."   Wow!
That's a relief for me because I've done a lot of questionable things in my life!!! Who hasn't? There are many who continue to use fear, shame, guilt and the devil/hell (which we in Unity do not even believe in) as a way to control people and "make them behave". Good luck with that! While some of that really is well intentioned, and some maybe not so much, it's just not working. In my opinion. 
To me, the more I realize my oneness with God,  the better the life I will live for myself and others. And secondarily, the more I am blessed. How so you may ask? When we realize our oneness with God, it is like aligning ourselves with ALL THAT IS GOOD, ALL THAT IS LOVE, ALL THAT IS WISDOM, ALL THAT IS HEALING. When we realize our oneness with God, it seeps into our consciousness and affects every thought, feeling, and cell in our being.
The critique of this line of thinking, or more accurately way of being, is that it seems so ethereal, so woowoo. The truth is this way of thinking/being has been around for thousands of years, long before Christianity was born. It's funny how so much of what is called New Age is really Old Age!
How can this alignment with ALL THAT IS happen? Prayer and meditation. This is why prayer and meditation are the foundation of our spiritual life.
What do you think?   Rev. Edwin Kosak, Minister Unity Church of Charleston

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