Thursday, October 24, 2013

My Favorite reasons for Thankfulness for Divine Inheritance

My Favorite reasons for Thankfulness for Divine Inheritance

Money Isn't Everything and the best things are not things.
Richard Kent Matthews Money may not be everything, but it IS half of everything!!
Ron Alexander How about if there was no money Richard? Bartering, sharing, trading, farming, fishing, digging, beads, jewels, haggle, bargaining, swapping, foraging, ...hmm - only "half" for some of us! Well most of us, me too, Although, in past, I sailed around for years, diving - hunting under water, foraging on islands for edible plants. trading with islanders and other sailors. Did not deal much with money back then - loved the independence.
Richard Kent Matthews We would invent it. Just like we did when it got too onerous to just be bartering.

Richard Kent Matthews Coins go back a long way. Greed comes with upright walking and beards.


  • Eric Gibson I money just gets in the way But with out it we would just have to love people for who they are not what they have <3 span="">

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