Sunday, October 20, 2013


Photo: I AM

Thank Goodness the great I AM is always available. This availability helps me with limitless faith to know, with increasing capacity that I can draw upon It and become inwardly aware of the presence of Spirit. This Spirit at the center of my being is absolutely certain of Itself. It gives me complete assurance that all is well. I AM a Divine Being here and now. I know that in this consciousness of Reality is the supply for my every need - physical, mental or spiritual - and I accept that Fountain of supply in deepest gratitude.
 I am thankful that this is the way Life fulfills my needs, through the doorway of my inner self, and I am thankful that I know how to use this perfect law. I come to this great Fountain of supply, in the very center of my being, to absorb that for which I need, mentally and physically, and I am filled with the sense of the Reality of that which I desire. 
I know that good is at the root of everything, regardless of its seeming absence. Since there is but one Spirit and this Spirit is in me and in everything, then everywhere I go I meet this Spirit. I meet It in all people, in all places, and in all things. There is a Divine Essence permeating everything, flowing through everything, becoming all things. I have limitless faith in this unconquerable Presence. 

(paraphrased from Ernest Holmes 365 - Daily Inspirations )

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