Friday, October 25, 2013

Easy Rider

Easy Rider - seeing for first time since it first came out in 1969!
It was scary being different back then, especially in the South, I had beer cans thrown at me and guns pointed out me while hitchhiking.
Forgot it started with Peter Fonda and Dennis Hopper scoring and then selling cocaine in Mexico
Jack Nicholson was not even a featured actor, and he turned out to be the highlight, an alcoholic ACLU Lawyer in small Texas town, he turned out to be full of crazy wisdom. The small towners don't like us because of our long hair, said Dennis, No they don't like you for what long hair represents - they don't like you because you are free" he tells Dennis. who replies "what is wrong with that, isn't that what it is all about?" Jack:
(George Hanson) They'll talk to ya and talk to ya and talk to ya about individual freedom. But they see a free individual, it's gonna scare 'em. "Well, people who are bought and sold get envious and when they are jealous, they get mad." Which became a self-fulfilling prophecy, when the same rednecks kill him, while he is sleeping!
Karen Black appeared later as a prostitute who Dennis paid for in honor of Jack.
Then those bizarre scenes in the New Orleans Cemetary during Mardi Gras, where Karen, Peter, and Dennis goes completely zonkers overdosed on acid.
The night before Peter and Dennis are blown away on the road from New Orleans to Florida, Dennis was proclaiming how rich they are and they can retire in Florida. Peter, to the contrary, said "no, we blew it!" and turned over and went to sleep much to Dennis consternation! Another self-fulfilling prophecy.
I saw in the after credits that Phil Spector played the "connection" for the drug deal!
Gisele Fahrbach i remember jack nicholson doing this.. "nick nick nick" with his arm...
Ron Alexander yeah, he was a half - crazy and full of wisdom which have to go together here in South. He said that after his first drink just after getting himself and Peter and Dennis out of jail. Then every time he would make this incredibley wise deep statements, he would lighten up the situation by putting one hand under his are and sayin "nick nick nick nick" with big smile on his face - no wonder he became big-time star. thanks Gisele Fahrbach!

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