Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Be Grateful for what You Have

My friend George just called me and asked me for a ride to the store. I picked him up, drove him there and waited for him in the car. I was sitting in the car on the verge of tears when a man with a duffel bag came up to me and asked me if ...I had any spare change. I told him that I only had some pennies. He said, “Don’t worry about it. Are you OK? I said, “My wife and I are really going through something right now. I’m sorry, if I had more I would give it to you. Do you have a phone?” He said “No, but I will pray for you.”

I told him thanks and asked him if he was homeless. He said that he was and that he had lost him home last year. I gave him my phone number and asked him to call me next week and I would try to help him with some money if it came my way. I told him I would keep him in my prayers and that I would make a few calls tonight to see if I could find him a place to stay.

By then, my friend George got in the car and I introduced them. George said he would make a few calls and see if he could find him a place since it was getting pretty cold tonight. I didn’t know who at first to call and then I called a friend who has a halfway house to see if he has room for this man. I left him a message and I hope he can help or recommend someone who can.

Here was this man, homeless, not being able to find work and sleeping outside in the cold telling me he would pray for me. It humbled me because of all the problems we have been going through, his are much worse. You never know what others are going through sometimes and when they reach out to you and you cannot help, it makes you thankful for the blessings you have.

This man’s name is Frank. He wasn’t a druggie or alcoholic, just a guy who couldn’t’ find work and lost his home. How many more like Frank are out in the cold tonight and just need a chance to get some work so they can have shelter from the cold. Please pray for Frank and give thanks for your warm bed, food in your refrigerator and shelter from the cold. We are all our brothers’ and sisters’ keepers and it is up to us to help those who are homeless and just need a chance. God bless you, Frank; and God bless all of you for praying for him. ~Dean A. Banks, D.D.  

Wonderful Post, thanks Dr. Dean, I needed to read that! Helps to be grateful for what you have..!! I may not have a home soon, however I have an old boat and an old camper, that I can share living space on...

"Be not forgetful to entertain strangers: for thereby some have entertained angels unawares".

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