Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Travel While You are Young

This is the time for small paychecks and big memories. This is the time for travel. We are about as attached to one location as we are to our favorite Chinese take-out place. We know what we like about it, and we take comfort in the familiarity, but that's about it. - Jessy Tapper
Ron Alexander: This was true for me, when I was sailing, flying, exploring around the world, I earned my living from working stiffs, who told me, ''when I retire...'' - don't wait:-)
Ron Alexander Now, almost 30 years later, (went back to school at age 40), I am contemplating sailing away again, however I am struggling with having enough energy and motivation to have the drive necessary to throw off the dock lines. It is not economics as the wind and anchoring out is free - one can live cheaply on the sea.
    Ra Divakar Yep, Ron, my Brother, I believe you can do it again, especially with you getting healthier - much healthier in last 6 months or so and you keeping the health kick going...
  • Ra Divakar's photo.
      Ah, brother Ra, that brings tears to my eyes -
    "Everything is energy and that's all there is to it. Match the frequency of the reality you want and you cannot help but get that reality...."

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