Sunday, September 8, 2013

Through all things Spirit speaks to us

Photo: we Walk, we begin to awaken to all the miracles around us, we begin to see the Circles in all things and the sacredness of all Life.  I am a Seeker, as I seek understanding, I am beginning to realize it is within us, we begin to Remember and there comes a deep knowing in our Being, in our Soul. We begin to put down our instruction books and listen. We look to Great Spirit for all things, and through all things Spirit speaks to us in all-ways.  It is there where we begin to Trust, to trust the Wisdom of Spirit through our Mother Earth, the Stars, the Rain, the Creatures, Waters, the Wind, our Paths, the Fires within us, and ...there is where we learn and begin to remember what was spoken to us long ago.   Blessings Walkers, may we always be Seekers, be students of this Universe, seeking understanding with humbleness and compassion for all Kingdoms, let us carry our Trust and Rememberance in our bundles close to our Heart.  Peace to you all, -redskyhawk

Walking the Earth Touching the Sky
Will Melies and Walking the Earth we Walk, we begin to awaken to all the miracles around us, we begin to see the Circles in all things and the sacredness of all Life. I am a Seeker, as I seek understanding, I am beginning to realize it is within us, we begin to Remember and there comes a deep knowing in our Being, in our Soul. We begin to put down our instruction books and listen. We look to Great Spirit for all things, and through all things Spirit speaks to us in all-ways. It is there where we begin to Trust, to trust the Wisdom of Spirit through our Mother Earth, the Stars, the Rain, the Creatures, Waters, the Wind, our Paths, the Fires within us, and ...there is where we learn and begin to remember what was spoken to us long ago. Blessings Walkers, may we always be Seekers, be students of this Universe, seeking understanding with humbleness and compassion for all Kingdoms, let us carry our Trust and Rememberance in our bundles close to our Heart. Peace to you all, -redskyhawk

Walking the Earth Touching the Sky

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