Sunday, September 15, 2013

Taking Lt. Dan's Wounded Warriors out on Veterans on Deck

I am feeling so high tonight taking courageous inspirational Wounded Warriors out sailing today and then helping honor them attending Lt. Dan's (Gary Gary Sinise) awesome band tonight with about 10, 000 others in a benefit for them. Here are some photos(I hope).
Well, looks like photos are coming in tonite with this weak wifi here at Marina, however many of these guys were missing limbs, and the m...ore limbs missing the more inspiring! Lt. Dan's organization is helping them get the best of everything - high tech all terrain wheel chairs, the best kind of therapy, even a smart home for Matthew and his wife Theresa who sailed with us today. Matthew has lost 3 limbs and was one of the most inspirational there - just a very lovable guy with a very devoted sweet wife! All is well and I don't care what you think of wars, the wounded warriors deserve our support, and I feel very fulfilled in being of some service, and looking forward to more.

 Despite all appearances, no one is really evil. They are led astray by ignorance. If you ponder this truth always you will offer more light, rather than blame and condemnation. —Dhammavadaka
Ron Alexander's photo.

Capt. Pat and Mate Richard are both Viet Nam vets recovering from PTSD, for which Veterans on Deck was created. We have three boats and another one took out wounded warriors with their service dogs. I sailed on another and we took out wounded warriors with invisible but no less traumatic brain injuries.


I am one taking photos. Capt. Pat in blue and Mate Richard in red are both Viet Nam vets recovering from PTSD. I sailed on another boat with Capt. Valencia(recovering Navy Vet)and ambulatory wounded warriors who have perhaps even worse hidden wounds like brain trauma along with the PTSD. Another boat with Capt. Chris, Capt. Angelo (another recovering Viet Nam vet) and Mate Charlie(also Viet Nam Vet) called Rusty Nail went out with vets and their great Service Dogs! I will try to attach a photo of Dennis and his awesome Service Dog in SUV getting ready to leave. Thanks!

 - my Friend Charlie, Mate on Rusty Nail told me awesome one about Dennis and his Dog above - so many synchronicities for example, the Lt. who died in same explosion that injured him, his Mother turned out to be his Dog trainer, which he found out when he flew out to Houston to pick up and learn how to work with him.
We hated to see these guy go, fascinating courageous, interesting inspiring people!
Later that night, a custom built motorcycle with Gary Sinese's  autograph plus was auctioned (at Lt'. Dan's Band Concert) for $100, 000 off to help pay for Matthew and Theresa's new smart house in California.

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