Wednesday, September 18, 2013

ll. Wounded Warriors sailing with Veterans on Deck (VoD)

Pat, Angelo, Richard, Ron...and all the others....I'm very very proud and happy of the way you hosted the wounded warriors and continue to see VoD as YOUR thing and lead the way forward. With a little background organization from Sean and then Jess, and only one 'formal' VoD staff member (Chris) there, you pulled this off, Veteran to Veteran, and that's the way the thing is supposed to work. This was not an 'agency' event. This was you guys, as individuals and veterans, getting together and taking care of some visitors in need of hospitality. Instead of being outside your home community, you become a valuable part of it. The program is not doing this. You are doing this, and the program is just a tool that you are using well, and with generosity. Whether it be a bunch of cadets from the Citadel, or wounded warriors from across the country, you guys are repeatedly coming through for your comrades. Amazing to see, inspiring to all. Scroll down for pictures

Ron Acierno, PhD
Director, PTSD Clinical Team
Ralph H. Johnson VA Medical Center, Charleston
Matthew and Capt. Pat
Nathan the Wheel Chair Warrior(Ft. Sumter in Background)
 Wounded Warriors join Veterans on Deck
Capt. Valencia was there! Outstanding !representing the women again !! thank you Valencia And I am happy you are recognized for doing that and staying the full day to take the Vista volunteers out as well. A fantastic veterans on deck member success.
Ron Acierno
Director, PTSD Clinical Team RHJ VAMC Charleston



This is the very heart of what we are doing at . These pictures brought a tear to my eye.I only wish I had not been working and could have participated. I love the program and the veterans. BRAVO ZULU !!! to all of you. These veterans were VIP guests of the LT Dan Band. who was in Charleston to perform a charity benefit concert to the Wounded Warriors Program.    Manning Harvey

Also, the organizer from Lt. Dan's org. who got the wounded warriors there gave us tickets to concert, which was really good - his band is excellent high energy- a combo of rock and big band with horns and violin/fiddle, 2 outstanding male vocalists and 3 wonderful female vocalists - fantastic! Key boardist was among the best I ever heard. Gary Sinise plays bass and another guy plays lead guitar!
Finally, regaining balance

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