Wednesday, September 18, 2013

God is Love

Where there is great love there are always miracles.
Willa Cather(

Immersed in Dr. Eben Alexander's brilliant book PROOF OF HEAVEN, he describes Love this way in his NDE(near death experience): " take one more shot at putting it into words(because of course it was initially delivered wordlessly), it would run something like this:
You are loved and cherished.
You have nothing to fear.
There is nothing you can do wrong.
If I had to boil this entire message down to one sentence, it would run this way:
You are loved.
And if I had to boil it down further, to just one word, it would (of course) be, simply:
Love is, without a doubt, the basis of everything. Not some abstract, hard-to-fathom kind of love but the day-to-day kind that everyone knows-the kind of love we feel when we look at our spouse and our children, or even our animals. In its purest and most powerful form, this life is not jealous, or selfish, but unconditional.
 This is the reality of realities, the incomprehensibly glorious truth of truths that lives and breathes at the core of everything that exists or that ever will exist, and no remotely accurate understanding of who and what we are can be achieved by anyone who does not know it, and embody it in all of their actions. 
Despite all appearances, no one is really evil. They are led astray by ignorance. If you ponder this truth always you will offer more light, rather than blame and condemnation. —Dhammavadaka
Image Courtesy of Jeanne

LIKE: Yes, yes, yes we are all LOVED beyond the constraints of time. And those who commit evil acts are not evil; we are all loved in equal measure because we are all ONE! But the acts of those who are unaware of this and cause harm to others can cause tremendous pain none the less. For those who are vulnerable here, my hope is they will come to value themselves as people who are adored beyond understanding by their Creator, and do not feel that they need to "do" for any other human being. We are all loved "as is". Peace and joy be with you.. Mary Jones

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