Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Emmanuel Dagher's Excellent Inquiry on Challenges

Hi my friend,

A challenge is simply a lesson in disguise. It's the way we react to a challenge that directs what our experience of it will be. A challenge allo
ws us to look inside ourselves and gauge whether there is still some inner healing/releasing that can take place.

Here are a few questions that can support us in moving through challenges with more ease & grace.

"Am I fully embracing the present moment right now?"

"Am I creating a story about myself that's keeping me from living my greatest vision?"

"What lessons and gifts am I meant to receive from this experience?"

"Am I truly making my deep inner joy a priority in my life?"

Questions like this light up new and life enhancing neuro-waves in the brain that open us up to higher insights and ways of being. These insights have the power to expand and realign us with the natural flow of life where ease, joy, love & miracles are common place.

We are all in this together!
 LIKE: "Am I fully embracing the present moment right now?"
"Am I creating a story about myself that's keeping me from living my greatest vision?"
"What lessons and gifts am I meant to receive from this experience?"
"Am I truly making my deep inner joy a priority in my life?"

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