Tuesday, September 24, 2013

A Cup of Peace - a Interfaith Gathering


A Cup of Peace from that terrific Interfaith Gathering at College of Charleston Sunday. It was profound, entertaining, inspiring and greatly diverse with speakers from Islam (photo), Yoruba(photo), Christian (awesome Melvina Ravenel and son... but no photo), Dynamic Taiko drummers (Photo), Native American spirituality (Photo), Hinduism, Sikh, Very entertaining Puppeteer (photo), Bahai (photo later), Secular Humanism, Gullah storyteller (photo), narrated nicely by Rev. Edwin D Kosak and parishioner Cookie.
Ron Alexander:Unfortunately left out outstanding Jewish and Pagan speakers for peace, sorry, ron
And how could I leave out Dances of Universal Peace with 3 photos! Very heartwarming dancing to Loving Oneness!



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