Friday, August 16, 2013

You are That (Tat tvam asi)

Like: Think of That alone, the universal Consciousness-Bliss that you really are and be at peace

 Subodh Kumar Misra
Do not allow the mind to dwell on that which is not; which is false, illusory. Think of That alone, the universal Consciousness-Bliss that you really are and be at peace. Do not think that there is no such thing as the world. One who tries to negate the world by the mere act of thought, gives reality to it by the very act of negation, exactly like an affirmation. The world is neither real nor unreal, but Consciousness alone, even as the reflection in a mirror is the mirror alone. ............Om!

Tat tvam asi: "You Are That"

The Condensed Version
Eastern and Western thinking differ on a key point. The East says we are one with the Ultimate, but don't know it; the West says we cannot be one with the Ultimate, but only come into relationship with it. These two points of view may in fact be closer together than we think.

Living Peacefully in Reality of Universal Consciousness-Bliss

 Be Calm in Your Heart no matter what:

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