Saturday, August 24, 2013

Whatever is happening is perfect now

Science of Mind magazine · ( needed repost)A deeply felt awareness of your oneness arises. Right now, everything is perfect in your life, and all is in divine order.  
  • Whatever is or is not happening in your life right now is perfect. You are perfectly okay, regardless of how you are feeling or what you are now experiencing. Take this moment to relax into a surrendered attitude of just letting it all be okay. Settle into the peaceful awareness that nothing is truly the matter. You are alive, and just as you have arrived at where you are now, you will continue to arrive at where you will be tomorrow, and the next day. For the present, you are in your perfect place, and you have done everything as well as you have known how to do or been able to do. You are not wrong or lacking. Everything is okay.

    As you enter fully into an acceptance of the now moment as essentially perfect, you discover a spacious freedom to continue to evolve. A deeply felt awareness of your oneness arises. Right now, everything is perfect in your life, and all is in divine order.

    From today's Daily Guide by Kathy Juline, SOM May 2013.
  • This is the night that Love has made, rejoice and be grateful for it.

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