Monday, August 19, 2013

Uphold the Real Person and their Soul

Uphold the Real Person and their Soul

In our relationships we need to uphold that aspect of the person which is the real person and the soul beyond their own self-doubt.

Pir Vilayat Inayat Khan(
Alchemical Wisdom
Ron Alexander; Excellent - Like: "I am not going to get angry or think badly about others" and "will uphold that aspect which is the real person and the soul beyond their own self-doubt."

Miriam Klackova It takes time, self training , focus... Forgiveness .. Humbleness ..eventually grace comes with it.. If you don't understand that I am talking about..humbly saying your not there yet...ego is still in the way

  • Ra Divakar Excellent response, thanks Miriam! Yes, and I love my "ego" too, it is just a matter of being aware of it!

  • Miriam Klackova YES.. It's being aware of it Ra

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