Monday, August 26, 2013

Truth Needs no Armor

Truth may walk through the world unarmed.
Bedouin Proverb(
The "I Have A Dream" rebroadcast today on MSNBC at 4:00 PM EDT. Don't miss it! Have your children and grandchildren watch it. Rekindle the spirit of freedom, liberty and equality for all. Feel the power and magic in the words of MLK! ~Dean
"We stand on the shoulders of untold millions," Attorney General Eric Holder sai...d Saturday before thousands on Washington D.C.'s national mall. "But for them, I would not be Attorney General of the United States and Barack Obama would not President of the United States of America.”

Ron Alexander's photo.
This reminds me of when we used to go hiking and mountain climbing in Alaska without being armed. We hiked past Grizzlies Momma bears with their baby bears and there was no reaction from her. I think she knew instinctually that we meant no harm, and wished for only peace and well-being for them.
And it reminds me of Jimmy Twyman and his peace trip to Serbia/Bosnia being with a band of Monks spreading Peaceful energy and being invisible to the warring parties.

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