Friday, August 23, 2013

The Mind Unleashed: 12 Ways To Calm The Overactive Mind

The Mind Unleashed: 12 Ways To Calm The Overactive Mind: By:  Gregg Prescott, M.S. Have you ever laid in bed trying to sleep while a constant stream of thoughts flow through your mind?  Do yo...

When you click on this image this is one section you will see near top of article:
How To Calm The Overactive Mind | In5D.comIt is estimated that approximately 75% of the population are extroverts and virtually all television programming is geared to reinforce the "all-about-me" persona while deterring people to look within for answers, which is they key trait of an introvert.
Carl Jung defined extraversion as "an attitude type characterized by concentration of interest on the external object", (the outside world). and introversion as an "attitude-type characterized by orientation in life through subjective psychic contents" (focus on one's inner psychic activity).

Ron Alexander I like all but one of the 12 ways to calm the mind. That is to ''remove'' the ego. Our ''ego'' is essential be able to be in this world and in this body. What we want is a balanced one - not too strong yet not too weak, so we have to be aware of it, just as if it was a child. Have a calm fun day

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