Saturday, August 24, 2013

Removing your ego

Removing your ego is like having a lobotomy because you don't like the way your brain thinks. Jus saying, Ron Alexander

Bunni Vaughan Healy Lots of psychologists and psyche majors have an issue with "ego" as Tolle uses it. We used to say "higher self" and "lower self" in the circumstance that Tolle calls "ego" and "consciousness". This sits better for some. I think Tolle's concepts are so well put together and easily explained that it's worth re-defining "ego" for those purposes.

I find it often happens when switching authors that we have to switch our definitions some (mind/self/consciousness... all vary some book to book) and it's often worth it... besides, do we really need to be "attached" to our old definitions? (Isn't that just ego? )
Ron Alexander Bunni Vaughan Healy, , the problem is the "attachments" to concepts and our thinking is what most call "ego"(and that includes thinking the ego is our problem.) I argued with Tolle for hours about his use of the "ego". He finally agreed that "awareness of the ego" is what is needed. Tolle does not admit that he got his start teaching ACIM in London, which is where he borrowed a lot of his concepts. And ego is just another CONCEPT. When I studied ACIM in Tiburon, CA.(where I was a grad. student in Counseling), we would get upset at the demonization of the word "ego". Easy going blissed out Dr. Bill, told us to just "tear out those pages". Also, the demonization of "body" by ACIM. The Bible at least calls the "body, the temple of our Spirit". Nowadays, it is so easy to dismiss the "ego" as our inner devil, which is lazy dualistic thinking. Oh, I have learned so much from ACIM -"in my defenseless my safety lies", "Love is the Essence of our Being." and "need do nothing". I finally found a group and teacher who does not get defensive when I am critical of ACIM dualistic teaching, and it is right there in your church. Mark, like Bill, has grown non-defensive, and I recommend his group. Dr. Thetford, who made the famous query to his assistant "there is got to be a better way than this" led to her channeling the course. She never liked what she was channeling, but Bill loved it and insisted she record her channelings, and he scribed them. Dr.Bill incorporated the teachings and was the freeist man I have ever met, in complete bliss, he sat off the side of our group, and beamed and giggled alots.
Ron Alexander Dr. Bill Thetford role - modeled the words at the end of ACIM,
"Now, forget all you have read here, and go enjoy the rest of your life." or something like that??? I believe Mark is living like that now, who is at his best when he is ad-libbing his teaching or "channeling" and he giggles a lot. Freud invented the concept, and he had best definition - "the ego is the conscious part of us connecting the id (lower self) and the Superego (higher self). Indeed we cannot do without our "ego", however it needs to be watched. And a "egotistical person" is usually someone who really has a weak sense of self and is trying to compensate. We need balance in life - not too strong ego and not to weak, - to be aware of it like a little child. We are whole complete Beings, and to hate our "ego" is to hate part of us. We cannot function here on earh without our body and our ego. How can we be present without them. I agree with St. Francis that we "need to die to our self, in order to go to Eternal Life". The key word here is "die", as I believe we need neither body nor ego. I have dialogued extensively with Rev. Margaret and Rev. Ed, down here and neither uses the concept anymore that I know of??? You might check in with dear Rev. Margaret about this if any more doubt. Also, listening to readers of ACIM, I had forgotten how masculinized it is. I have enjoyed the DIALOGUE (discussing is dissing and cussing, as I have not felt dissed here, thank you, Bunni Vaughn Healy!

Bunni Vaughan Healy I love ACIM, have for decades. I loveTolle too. And all the others. Now when I read I don't bother with the critique or disagreements. I just take what works as reminders for me cause that's really all I need now. I've whittled down all the theories to three words that work for me: Connect. Express. Repeat. Whatever reminds me to connect, when I'm not connected, that's the ticket. Namaste'

Ron Alexander Connect,Express and Repeat" -love it and believe it. One LOve Bunni Vaugh Healy!

Ron Alexander In conclusion Bunni Vaughn Healy, I have spent months in several ashrams around the world, Usually the resident Guru is trying to "lose his ego", or some quit speaking maintaining they have lost it? Well, they need a lot of servers, and the way the teachers treated them , you could tell they had a lot of ego! Kripalu, the Sat Guru of Yogi Anais Desai, came the closest and he meditated ten hours per day, and some of the best meditations I have had were in meditation roomat Kripalu in Pennsylvania (I was there in 1982 when it was called an Ashram!) Remember, the disgraced Yogi Anais Desai was not a celibate Swami). I think Bill Thetford reached that Grace. Currently, of the teachers I have studied with who have reached that Blissed Out State are Ram Dass and the Rev.Marianne Walker, our Unity founder both there and here in Charleston. Did you know that at her age (80 plus), she attended the ten day Silent Meditation at Vipassana, and now over 12 congregants and Rev. Ed (2X) have been there. I think that is why the one hour meditation groups are so powerful here! And I am glad Rev. Margaret went to one recently. Talking about facing your thoughts (which I think most teachers innocently believe is our "ego"). "As I thinketh, I am..." as opposed to I AM! no mistake, Ron Alexander

Ron Alexander And would you want the bland "egoless" personality Tolle has become?

Ra Divakar Agree wholeheartedly with my Bro, that our real problem is our thinking - even thinking negatively of our"ego". And even if you think your ego is an enemy, then Love it anyway, as Christ has us to do!

    Jeannette Jeannie Malbrough its not to kill the ego, but to change its reaction, namaste
  • Ron Alexander Good Jeannette Jeannie Malbrough - yes learn to respond from Spirit, the Heart and not to react from ego! Thanks!

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