Monday, August 12, 2013

Manifesting Monday

Hi beautiful friend, it's Manifesting Monday!

We all know how powerful it is for 2 or more to come together & hold the space for each others manifestations to occur. So let's continue to build off of our manifestations from last week. If y...ou would like to share the same one or add to/change it a bit, please do so.

The Manifesting Formula:

Step 1: Begin with an affirmative/empowered statement such as "I am, I have, I create, I affirm, I choose, I now step into, etc..."

These statements immediately begin anchoring our desired manifestations into the present moment. Some words we want to stay away from are: "I want or I need."

Step 2: Share desired manifestation.
Step 3: Magnify the statement with "This or something greater & so it is!" This final statement opens us up to receiving our blessings without having to be limited to the specifics of the how, where, when, who, why's that usually block us from actually attracting what we'd like to experience.

So here is an example of my desired manifestation for this week:

"I choose to create & attract avalanches of prosperity into my life so that I may be able to continue sharing & contributing even more with the world with ease, grace & joy. This or something greater & so it is!"

Now, it's your turn to share. What would you like thousands of amazing friends across the world to envision for you? Can you feel the love that comes with that statement? You so deserve it!

Also, if you know anyone who may enjoy being part of this global manifesting collaboration, invite them to come on over & 'like' the page & take part in the miracles we are co-creating.

We are all in this together!

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