Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Love as they are...

Photo: "If I want to be loved as I am, I have to be willing to love others as they are." ~ Louise Hay
 But it doesn't mean you have to live with them! Or even like them!

MIriam StJohn I guess it is similar to live and let live.
  • Ra Divakar Love and love alike
  • I think it is important to realize loving is so different from "liking" - that we can love someone we don't even respect and love our enemies as Jesus taught us

  • MIriam StJohn Deep. We can love anyone with the love of Jesus. That type of love so comes from a place of compassion, for me at least, as we recognize we are all made in the image of the Creator (if you believe that way); well, we are all human beings, and but for the grace of God, we could easily be the other person. whose ways are not pleasing to us.
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