Saturday, August 10, 2013

Giving is Receiving or is it?

You will never be able to completely live in your Divine purpose until you help others live in theirs. ~Dean A. Banks, D.D.  
Photo: You will never be able to completely live in your Divine purpose until you help others live in theirs. ~Dean A. Banks, D.D.
"Never Block the Healing Blessings." Kathleen Slowly (on Dr. Dean A post)

 Ron Alexander: all due respect, what I have found that giving is receiving and receiving is giving Ra and Dr. Dean A. Banks. I have found that people who cannot receive are hurting as much those who cannot give. What do ya think?
Yes, Ron. Deepak Chopra puts it this way: "The universe operates through dynamic exchange . . . giving and receiving are different aspects of the flow of energy in the universe. And in our willingness to give that which we seek, we keep the abundance of the universe circulating in our lives.
Ron: I have found that there is "control" issues in some giving and receiving.
Some "give" in order to control the "other". Some will not receive, as they are afraid of losing control. Some just receive and don't give, as they are being self-centered/narcissistic!

Dean A. Banks Giving and receiving are the same. As you give Divine love to others you are receiving it for giving it. The entire omniverse exists on the exchange of energy; without this exchange, life would have never evolved. From the inanimate to the animate and back. The circle of life is secure in itself. Your edification is never complete enough for you to feel fulfilled until you help others realize theirs. If you hold that energy of Divine love within yourself, it can never edify others and lead them to fulfillment. Peace.

Ron: Yes, Dr. Dean A. Banks, you are writing of Divine Reality the Ultimate and I am warning of the worldly lower reality. Yours I aspire to, thanks for your constant reminders.

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