Thursday, August 29, 2013

Do You have enough Faith to ask and receive?

Do you feel worthy enough to receive? Some of us find it easier to give than to receive - to give care rather than to take care. Ask and ye shall receive. Can you identify yourself with Great Spirit in order to ask and accept supply in deepest gratitude? Be a care giver and a care taker, for it is in giving that we receive, and in receiving that we give.
  Ron Alexander “Fear brings failure; faith brings success; it’s just that simple.” Really.
Ernest Holmes(one of the Wise Ones!)
Feel your Divine Presence and ask for your Divine Inheritance fulfilling your Divine Purpose.
One may ask, “I wonder if I really have any faith. Things never seem to work out for me.” Quoting the wisdom of Ernest Holmes: “Whether or not we know it, we all have faith. We are just mostly using it in reverse.” Faith moves mountains, heals the sick, and calms the tempest within. But in reverse, it can lead to great sadness, frustration, and lack of fulfillment. Perhaps the most difficult aspect of all is that we must have faith before we have the proof of our faith. But know that once you experience the many demonstrations of your faith, faith will be increased exponentially, and so will be set in motion an infinite upward spiral of Good. Ernest Holmes again encapsulates that which can appear to be so complex into its innate simplicity: “Fear brings failure; faith brings success; it’s just that simple.” Really.
  • Robyn Summers-Shelley I am more of a giver captain Ron, I find it hard to take and except...................
    Gisele Fahrbach I allow myself to receiiiiiiive a lot so I get a lot of everything!! How does it get any better??

  • Ron Alexander Dear Robyn Summers-Shelley, why do you think you have a hard time taking and accepting?
    Dear Gisele Fahrbach, you must identify with your Divine Self in order to receive like that???
    Ajike Williams @Ron  - YES!
    Robyn Summers-Shelley I just don't know Ron, as a small kid I would spend my pocket money on others, that it just
    Ron Alexander Ah, Robyn Summers-Shelley, does it make you feel good to give like that? If so, then you are receiving, true?Ron Alexander A lot of time when I am giving it is based on my wanting to please, since I don't feel good enough about myself - less than other person and I want to be seen favorably. This demonstrates lack of faith in myself and Spirit!

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