Thursday, August 22, 2013

Brilliant Student wins big with very promising fuel

 This 17-year-old whiz kid built an algae biofuel lab in her bedroom to win a $100k prize!
Yes, a kid after my own heart! Algae is the future or biodiesel - an oxygen-rich oil that helps the environment and does not weaken the fuel like ethanol an alcohol which would not work with diesel anyway. Ethanol works with gasoline as depend on being very flammable. Diesel works on hydraulic pressure system so is much safer and does not emit carbon monoxide, which is why it is used in public transport like on busses and trains and passenger carrying boats.
Photo: This 17-year-old whiz kid built an algae biofuel lab in her bedroom to win a $100k prize!
Jeeni Zucchini: The kids are bring much hope for the future...

Ron Alexander: Well thanks for bringing that good news Jeeni. I have always had diesel engines on my larger sailboats, since it so safe.
Jeeni Zucchini: Do you think that algae biofuel would also work in your boats?

Ron Alexander: Oh yea, the air would be much fresher with Algae Oil exhaust! - a big change. I tried to talk local University into research on it, as they own a lot of coasta
l land, and it grows anywhere including salt water. The locals and the U. are investing in wind mill research with the hope of selling leases to wind mill areas offshore and not oil rigs that the stupid short- sighted politicians are pushing. At least, we have people pushing back at those greedy idiots. I wish they would do both, but at least they are pushing one green energy big idea!

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