Sunday, July 21, 2013

Heaven or hell?

Photo: What is Hell? 

By my definition, Hell is believing all the negative thoughts about ourselves and others that arise in our minds. These thoughts blind us from seeing Life as it is, including our true potential and the potential of others. This is the only Hell I know of, and it exists within us.  

The good news is that Heaven is also within us.

The difference between Heaven and Hell is the difference between conditional and un-conditional love. 

The demons depicted in my nightmares represent the stories I create about myself and others, and are contingent upon conditional love, “I will love you IF you behave the way I think you should,” or “I will love this situation IF it goes my way,” and finally “I will love myself IF I achieve this or that.” 

When I love and accept everything unconditionally, including myself, I walk out of hell. When I no longer believe in the distortion of conditional love, Heaven arises in me.  

Today I love life unconditionally, allowing me to see the perfection that all manifestation is in every moment. Accepting and loving myself exactly as I am in this moment is to love ALL of God’s manifestation. 

With all of the freedom of life, I say “yes” to loving you and to loving me. 

What do you say?

-don Miguel Ruiz Jr.
What is Hell?

By my definition, Hell is believing all the negative thoughts about ourselves and others that arise in our minds. These thoughts blind us from seeing Life as it is, including our true potential and the potential of others. T...
his is the only Hell I know of, and it exists within us.

The good news is that Heaven is also within us.

The difference between Heaven and Hell is the difference between conditional and un-conditional love.

The demons depicted in my nightmares represent the stories I create about myself and others, and are contingent upon conditional love, “I will love you IF you behave the way I think you should,” or “I will love this situation IF it goes my way,” and finally “I will love myself IF I achieve this or that.”

When I love and accept everything unconditionally, including myself, I walk out of hell. When I no longer believe in the distortion of conditional love, Heaven arises in me.

Today I love life unconditionally, allowing me to see the perfection that all manifestation is in every moment. Accepting and loving myself exactly as I am in this moment is to love ALL of God’s manifestation.

With all of the freedom of life, I say “yes” to loving you and to loving me.

What do you say?

-don Miguel Ruiz Jr.
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