Monday, July 15, 2013

"Egotistical" from too much ego or compensating for too weak of an ego?

What I have become aware of is that when I am acting arrogant, ''egotistical'', deep down, I am feeling less than...I am trying to compensate for low self worth. I am reaching out for love in a twisted way that actually does just the opposite. I am sorry, please forgive me, thank you. I love you. 

James Buik Brother I extend a hand of empathy.
Ron Alexander Thank you so much James Buik, I prefer empathy over sympathy, as it feels like you really understand as a equal - in oneness, Ron

  • James Buik Thank you Brother for recognizing my "core", I live for the day when all of humankind can live & love as brothers & sisters. ONENESS of all life!
    Ra Divakar Thanks Ron and James Buik, ONE Love!
  • Lindsay Lock Butler I think that's pretty true for a lot of people, Ron. Much love

    Diane McEneaney Yum Graves You express your a emotions and I love that about you, your truly a beautiful person, please believe that, and you are so vey worthy!

    Ron Alexander Your comment brings tears to my eyes, thank you new fb friend Diane McEneaney Yum Graves, I really do feel your love! the Oneness of Love!

  • Diane McEneaney Yum Graves Oh Ron, I truly mean it. I truly believe men have a hard lot in life when it comes to expressing emotions..I dont know if its the gene pool, the way men are taught to express themselves, meaning in this world it's seems they have to hold back their emo...See More
  • Ron Alexander You are a true ally Diane, and I really feel our Oneness, thank you, ron

  • Robyn Summers-Shelley live, love, laugh and be happy, we are all just big kids again. I don't expect to much Ron, therefore I can't be disappointed. Love my kids, grandkids, dogs and horses, and luv my friends to.................. hugs from OZ xoxoxo........
  • Ron Alexander Good wisdom, thanks my Land of OZ friend Robyn Summers-Shelley! Actually I am feeling a lot of sweet sadness right now - balanced and contented - equanimity I believe - all is well!

    Ron Alexander Robin Korth: It is only now, at the age of 58, that I am willingly traveling the avenues of my past--all of it--to discover, feel and heal the parts of me that I left on the floor, or never claimed in the first place.
    The gifts of this work are courage

    Ra Divakar So, you need a stronger more balanced ego to deal with your "lack of self-worth" Ron?

  • Peace Is notice that too is always because something is triggered that brings up fear of some kind or other. the good news is when we observe it the control loosens up. ty
  • Ron Alexander thanks Ra and Peace Is - yes, a healthy balanced ego observing fear with equanimity helps me be free of '"self worth" issues!


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