Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Need Do Nothing (Listening to the Song of Joy from Within)

I woke up this morning, at first, thinking of "to do" list,  then I saw the colors of the sunrise enhanced by the rose-tinted ports of my boat. Then I started hearing the inner song of joy within, and thought why not just BE and really enjoy this AM. After getting out of bed, I just sat there naturally meditating with bliss which puts me into mindfulness - in the present. From there, I slowly "did" my morning chores, while greeting my boating neighbors and meeting this great Australian Shepherd mix "Capt. Jack" belonging to Capt. Dan. We talked about California "in the old days." Then Charlie came up and he offered to "look" at my air-conditioner which I had just installed, and it leaked last night, and he offered that it needed to be tilted at more of an angle in the hatch. 
Now, I am back below in the "main salon" getting ready to listen for that radiant song of joy from within - ah, there it is! Need do nothing.....


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