Monday, June 17, 2013

Magnetism of the Well-tuned Heart

... If there can be a definition of Spirituality, it is the tuning of the Heart.
Tuning means the changing of pitch of the Vibration. The tuning of the Heart means the Changing of vibrations , in order that one may reach a certain pitch that is the natural pitch ; then one Feels the Joy and Ecstasy of life, which enables one to give Pleasure to others even by one's Presence , because one is Tuned. When an Instrument is properly tuned one does not need to play Music on it ; just by striking it one will feel great magnetism coming from it. If a well-tuned instrument can have that Magnetism, how much greater should be the Magnetism of the Heart which is Tuned !

Rumi says, 'Whether you have loved a human Being or whether you have loved God, if You have Loved enough You will be brought in the end into the Presence of the supreme Love itself.' "

~ Hazrat Inayat Khan

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