Monday, June 3, 2013

For Happiness Speak and Act with a Pure Mind

Mind precedes everything; mind matters most.
Whatever one experiences throughout life
is nothing but the product of one’s own mind.
If one speaks or acts with an impure mind,
suffering will follow one,
even as the wheel follows the hoof of the ox.
Mind precedes everything; mind matters most.
Whatever one experiences throughout life
is nothing but the product of one’s own mind.
If one speaks or acts with a pure mind,
happiness follows one like an inseparable shadow.
Dhammapada 1, 2 (it is not our ego that is the problem it is our negative thinking!)

It is not the "ego" but our unloving thoughts that cause our problems. Our ego is our "earth guide", our bridge between our lower and Higher Self!
  • Pete Shaw Ra Divakar I beg to disagree my friend, the " ego " is all man kinds undoing... Where doe you think it comes from,we are pure spirit/ love & then ego arrives,think about it... X
  • Ra Divakar Freud invented the word, it is just a concept, he defined it as the CONSCIOUS bridge between the id(our lower self) and the Superego (our Higher Self). It is the same as Fundamentalist Christians saying the "devil" made me do it. It is dualistic thinking! Did the "ego' make you do it? Bill Thetford said the same thing just before he died. ACIM, which he helped create is just pages of concepts, "the real Bliss of true Freedom, one has to experience". "Just tear out those pages", he told a group I was in...Dr. Thetford was the most blissful human I have ever met, and a few days later he proved it by dropping his body and becoming Pure Spirit!

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